Executive search & recruitment


Johnson Recruitment delivers executive-level recruitment services to social purpose, healthcare, and community organisations, as well as those in the commercial sector. Our highly specialised executive search recruitment consultants have a reputation for offering a unique, bespoke service for each assignment that is born out of decades of experience in understanding the needs of a business.

People as a priority

Executive search recruitment

People as a priority

We engage with employers who value and utilise our insight and expertise to help them optimise their most valuable resource; their people. We make it a priority to understand our clients’ industries and their long term objectives which enable us to create a compelling story to attract, engage and introduce to you the very best talent.

Rigour and risk mitigation

Through these insights, we employ our rigorous risk mitigation methodology to assess the candidate's suitability to the role and to your organisation. The combination of meticulous market mapping, dynamic attraction and rigorous testing and assessments, allows us to secure the right people to transform your organisation and fulfil your objectives.

Our engagement goes beyond finding the right person. Our robust methodology results in higher performance outcomes and assists in developing a sustainable competitive advantage for our clients, whilst supporting individuals in realising their personal career goals.

Rigour and risk mitigation

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Insights hub

Dental Employment Market: Candidate Insights

With 2024 well underway it’s time to share some key findings of the last few years affecting employers and employees in what is recognised as one of the most unpredictable employment markets of the past decade.   The Dental Employment Market Over the past three years especially, practices have operated within a uniquely competitive employment…

Elevating Employee Satisfaction in Disability Support Services: A Holistic Approach

As someone deeply entrenched in the Disability Support Services sector for nearly a decade, I’ve witnessed the ebbs and flows of employee satisfaction. Yet, amidst these fluctuations, one constant remains: a profound sense of accomplishment, reward, and empathy among those dedicated to this noble cause. My recent poll results on LinkedIn further affirm the significance…

The State of the National Disability Insurance Scheme

As we reflect on the journey of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) close to its anniversary of 11 years, it’s essential to highlight the tremendous strides made in enhancing the lives of individuals living with disabilities across Australia. Despite the challenges faced, in my opinion the NDIS continues to serve as a beacon of…